Ilija Miljkovac
Contributing Writer
Ilija Miljkovac is a Switchful writer with 7 years of experience covering all things tech. He writes about everything from cybersecurity to ISPs, ensuring businesses and customers are educated about the latest products and services. He's written for publications such as Business2Community, TheTechReport, Comparitech, and more. When he's not maniacally hacking away at his keyboard, Ilija spends his time either hiking in nature or holed up in his apartment gaming.
Author Article
Ilija Miljkovac3/29/23
Data throttling refers to a significant reduction in your internet speed intentionally implemented by your ISP without your knowledge. This happens when you've surpassed your data limit, the network is experiencing high congestion, you're heavily utilizing peer-to-peer (P2P) connections, or your ISP is attempting to reduce expenses.
Author Article
Ilija Miljkovac8/13/24
Military personnel, retired Veterans, and military families have a variety of discounts available to them. There are many TV and streaming services looking to honor the work of military personnel, and they most often do this by giving you a deal on their subscription, installation, or equipment.
Author Article
Ilija Miljkovac4/21/23
Regardless of where you fall in the military hierarchy or if you’re a retired Veteran, there are many discounts available to you to help you save on internet costs. Some of these discounts will lower your monthly payments, while others will help with installation and equipment costs.